12 Eylül 2013 Perşembe

Exclusive! My Sisterwife's Closet Jewelry at Guilt! Pictures, Report! MSWC Jewelry, SWB

18:05 No Comments

MSWC at Guilt
Nothing better than checking your mail and having lots of writing, goodies, and a special gifts! More of them to come soon. Thanks to ALL that are sending, writing, and sharing. That is what this blog was intended to be all about, and hope I get it back to our original roots!

"Anonymous and Daughter" has been to the shop, took pictures and shared with all of us. She saw my post hoping she'd go, and took me up on it. We thank her, and know you will enjoy her report/pictures.

Here's what she reported: 

We spoke with two of the employees, who were very nice and hospitable to us. Hope, the GM, mentioned that the MSWC merchandise didn't come into the store until last week, and that TLC was there Fri. to film it. (Does that surprise you?)  

*Note: Think you might of seen Hope on the show? Nope. The lady showing Kody and Krew around in the GUILT store was Kimiko Peterson, Director of Adv/Public Rel./ Social Media at the Silverton Hotel. Call that a grand tour!

She also said they may be have an in store meet and greet in the next couple of weeks. 

**Hope also mentioned that the real reason SW jewelry was placed in The Guilt is because they already had a business relationship with Gina's ex-husband, Michael Wilson. The story about MSW doing business with Guilt due to the fact that nobody else wanted to wasn't true.  It was because there was already a business connection with Guilt. 

Hope showed us the birthstone necklaces that he was currently marketing through The Guilt. She didn't say whether or not the pieces were moving or not, but they were getting lots of interest as a result of the show. 

I asked Anonymous and Daughter, "So tell us about the store, and does the jewelry remind you of Claire's or some other store?" 
The store was very similar to a gift shop version of a Claire's.  In fact, my daughter made the comment on the way home that it kind of reminded her of Claire's. Lots of "chochkies" and Las Vegas souvenirs, a candy counter, some bottles of liquor behind a locked case, travel hygiene area - razors, toothpaste, etc.  The store was pretty small, 20' X 20' at most and very crowded with lots of tables of stuff.  If you've never been into a casino gift shop, I would say it was similar to the gift shops at most airports. 

At first, we had a hard time finding MSWC merchandise, but then saw it was displayed on the glass counter near the cash register in the center of the store.  The quality of the MSWC merchandise was just like something I would expect to see at Claire's.  It probably wouldn't turn your skin green, but definitely costume jewelry. It was big and clanky and trendy looking.  I prefer more understated and contemporary jewelry myself. 

Hope mentioned was that they had negotiated to sell each piece for $1.00 less than what it is priced at on MSWC. She stated that the $1.00 less per piece was something that they negotiated with the Brown's.  We took it to mean she wanted to keep it within a certain price point to be comparable to the other items in the store.  Just want to clarify, they only carried the "budget line" and I think she said that the chain was $15.00 (not sure about the $ other pieces).  I know it's only a dollar, but for whatever reason, she felt like that was the price that would sell in the store.  One other thing that I thought was curious (and a personal pet peeve of mine) there were no prices on the pieces.  We had to ask if we wanted to know.

We want to say a huge thank you to "Anonymous and Daughter"" for this story and pics!  Exciting, yes~! Have questions for her? Ask below! She will be coming on and checking!


All Pictures (c) Sister Wives Blog
Be sure and check out all our other great stories this week, including Janelle's blog and new videos from SW.
**Watch or DVR ALERT! Dateline Fri Sep 13, see post below for details!

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